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drywood1Subterranean termites establish colonies in the soil, however, DRYWOOD TERMITES do not need contact with soil moisture nor any other water source. Accordingly, drywood termites establish colonies in wood above ground level. They can and do build colonies in structural wood, fence and utility posts, furniture, moldings, door and window frames, and so on.

Since colonies are usually constructed inside wood, finding these termites can be difficult during routine pest and dry-rot inspections. One of the best ways to identify an active infestation is the presence of drywood fecal pellets which are kicked out of the colony by workers and may accumulate below infestations. Fecal pellets have a distinct ridged shape and are about 1/25" long (about the size of table salt). Subterranean termites do not kick out dry fecal pellets from their colonies and drywood termite fecal pellets are much larger than the boring dust particles of powderpost beetles.

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Treatment & Control of Drywood Termites

Drywood termite control is generally not a DIY project for most homeowners. Baiting, which is effective for some other termites, is not an option because drywood termites never leave the protection of their galleries. Perimeter sprays, that are effective for carpenter ants, won't work here either. And, treating the soil under and around the structure with termiticide, which is used for subterranean termites, does not work because drywood termites may never contact the soil.

Limited control can be achieved by treating individual colonies as they are found during, for example, reconstruction or remodelling. These found colonies can be treated by drilling into the wood and injecting insecticide such as Bora Care, Termidor or Premise directly into the tunnels (see Bora Care Insecticide and Termidor Insecticide).

Drywood termite infestations can be prevented by the use of treated or sealed wood. Wood that has been surface-treated with borate, copper-arsenate preservative ("pressure treated") or painted will stop an initial attack, but cracks or cuts must be retreated.

If the infestation is widespread it may be necessary to "tent and fumigate". This is an expensive and difficult procedure and is definitely not a DIY project. In the final analysis you may need to hire pest control services to deal with an established infestation of drywood termites.

Renewal Bonds - Our Termite Renewal Program

Protect your home before it is too late!

Annual Termite Renewal programs allow you to protect your home from certain future termite treatments. Annual inspections are performed by a licensed pest and termite control operator. Renew in advance for 4 years and receive the 5th year absolutely FREE, locking in your renewal rate for 5 years!

WDO Reports

Certified Report: Wood Destroying Organism Report (WDO)

Palm Coast Pest Control is licensed and certified to provide WDO reports.

Call our offices and we will schedule your inspection within 48 hours.

Call Palm Coast Pest Control Today to schedule your FREE Home Health Evaluation!


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