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Tired of swatting mosquitoes? We all are! Tropical areas like Florida especially in these wet and humid months are the perfect mosquito habitat. Did you know there are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes? Mosquitoes transmit more diseases than any other creature, with that in mind we certainly don’t want them around!

They like to breed in standing water, so properties near lakes or areas that collect rain water are at risk. Some even like to lay eggs in moist soil, waiting for flood water. So, you want to start by making sure to reduce all breeding sites.

Breeding Sources include:

  • Stagnant Water
  • Ponds
  • Lakes
  • Brackish Swamps
  • Ditches
  • Pots
  • Gutters
  • Buckets
  • Etc

Pools are not any concern because of the chlorine that goes in it. They also like shaded areas, shrubs, long grass, and areas with lots of human activity. So, make sure to trim and get rid of overgrowth. Many species, but not all of them, rest during the day in dense vegetation. You could also put out mosquito repelling plants like citronella grass, lemon grass, basil or lemon balm.

Not all mosquitoes feed on you for blood, actually only the females do. Males do not feed on blood, they feed on plant nectar and sugars. Females feed on blood to aid in egg production. Each female can lay up to 400 eggs and the life cycle is complete in about 2 weeks. The eggs will hatch into larvae in 3 days and by 2 weeks later the adults will emerge and fly away. Because of this cycle a second treatment is necessary to kill off the larvae.

They like to feed on humans by following the scent of our exhaled carbon dioxide, tracking body heat and the scent of our skin. Considering that no matter how much we walk away they will just follow us! When you’re having a mosquito problem its best to get a professional to stop the adult mosquitoes as well as their babies. So, when in doubt make sure to choose the best, Palm Coast Pest!
